PizzaExpress unveils new desserts joining 2024 summer menu | QSR Media
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PizzaExpress unveils new desserts joining 2024 summer menu

The new menu also includes a new dish for kids.

PizzaExpress has launched its 2024 summer menu, with two new desserts joining the limited-time range.

New to the brand’s lineup is the Biscoff Billionaire Sundae made with Biscoff’s signature Lotus biscuits and sauce, vanilla and salted caramel gelato, finished with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. The brand is also adding two sundaes: the Summer Berry and White Chocolate Sundae, which combines vanilla gelato, mixed berries, and berry coulis, topped with whipped cream and white chocolate curls

The summer menu will also see the return of the iconic Dough Balls.

Meanwhile, for younger customers, PizzaExpress is adding the new Piccolo Creamy Pesto, a pasta creation of béchamel sauce with basil and pine kernel pesto.

PizzaExpress Food & Beverage Director Jane Treasure said the change of season is always a great opportunity for the brand to play with seasonal ingredients.

PizzaExpress has over 360 pizzerias in the UK.

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