Foodpanda launches meal donation feature in Asia
It aims to donate 200,000 meals across the region by the end of 2022.
Ahead of World Hunger Day on May 28, Foodpanda announced a new micro-donation feature built into their app, allowing customers to donate to those in need.
The feature will go live in Malaysia and Singapore this week, with beneficiaries varying per market. In Malaysia, the tech company integrated the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) ShareTheMeal donation feature onto the app whilst in Singapore, the “Donate a Meal” programme will support local communities through The Food Bank Singapore (FBSG).
Through a progressive launch across the region, Foodpanda aims to donate 200,000 meals by the end of 2022.
“Food and groceries are at the core of our business, so we need to make food accessible to as many people as possible. By integrating meal donations onto our platform, we are encouraging our riders, merchants and customers to give back to society through using everyday technologies,” Foodpanda CEO for APAC Jakob Angele said.