Greens Retail owner nabs Pizza Hut franchise
Its first restaurant will open in Kirkcaldy.
Scottish-based conglomerate Glenshire Group which operates convenience store Greens Retail will also be entering the fast food industry as Pizza Hut’s newest franchisee.
Glenshire Group are a Scottish family-owned conglomerate based in Fife. The group was established in 2020 to consolidate various existing business interests spanning multiple sectors including retail (Greens Retail), frozen drinks (Skwishee), shopfitting & construction (The Shopfit Co.), hospitality and property.
According to Harris Aslam, managing director at Glenshire Group, their first restaurant will be in Kirkcaldy.
“We're delighted to have joined forces with Pizza Hut UK & Europe to start delivering the most delicious pizzas throughout Scotland and farther afield! Kirkcaldy marks the first (of many? - watch this space) hut openings and it really has been a tremendous launch thus far! Even more thrilled to be launching our first Hut during Pizza Hut's 50th anniversary in the UK!,” Aslam said in a LinkedIn post.
The new Pizza Hut restaurant marks the 8,283rd store to be opened in the UK.