Grill’d partners with Nedd Brockmann to help fight homelessness
The brand is donating $80k to the cause.
Grill’d has partnered with celebrity runner Nedd Brockmann, homelessness charity We Are Mobilise, and Nedd's Uncomfortable Challenge to help people in need experiencing homelessness in Australia.
In 2022, Brockmann helped raise over $2m for We Are Mobilise when he ran from Perth to Sydney in 46 days.
Grill’d is donating $80k via their Local Matters programme, which will help We Are Mobilise ease the burden of those doing it tough in the community.
From the 3 to 13 of October Nedd will take on a world record challenge, by attempting to run the fastest 1,000 miles ever, covering 160 km every day for 10 days, at Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre.
To help raise awareness, Nedd is also asking everyone to join in by committing to Nedd’s Uncomfortable Challenge. Anyone can share their challenge 20 to 29 to help raise funds and participate in the cause by committing to their own uncomfortable challenge for 10 days.
Last week, Grill'd launched its City Support Dinners programme in Byron Bay.