Nando’s UK&I taps former motor finance boss as the new CEO
Mark Standish announced his new position in his LinkedIn page.
Mark Standish is now the new CEO of Nando’s UK&I.
Standish, who was previously the CEO of motor and car loan finance company MotoNovo Finance, announced his new role in LinkedIn.
“After 35 years serving an industry that I genuinely have a love and passion for, the time has come for me to embark on an exciting new journey.”
“During my latter years in the motor finance industry, I had to reframe my sense of legacy, and move away from thinking about it in terms of the entity I had contributed to building, and see it more through the lens of the lives I had the privilege of touching, and hopefully, bringing a little value and positive difference to. This realisation proved to be incredibly powerful, blessing me with a fresh perspective on what it means to succeed as a business leader, and bolstered my confidence to the extent it has given me the courage to embark on a new, and what I believe will be, an even more impactful path.”
According to Standish, for the past six weeks, he has been going through an ongoing induction programme for his role., visiting restaurants, and meeting with the people at Nando’s UK&I
“All with remarkable stories & insightful perspectives to share, and a shared passion for serving our customers with fantastic food, in restaurant environments that can only be described as the envy of the casual dining sector. In addition our commitment to the creation of shared value as an organisation, lives & breathes in: how we source many of our resources; the impactful changing lives programmes we run; and in the many local community initiatives we support via our estate of 480 restaurants, and the 19,000 Nandocas we employ in UK&I, and all made possible through our commitment to achieving commercial excellence by running our restaurants brilliantly.”