Honest Burgers to purely source beef from regenerative farms by 2024 | QSR Media
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Honest Burgers to purely source beef from regenerative farms by 2024

Twelve outlets will be making burgers from these farms by the end of the year.

Honest Burgers is aiming to make its burgers with beef from regenerative farms in two years.

Regenerative agriculture is defined by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization as an “inclusive agroecosystems approach for conserving land and soil, biodiversity, and improving ecosystem services within farming systems.”

By the end of 2022, 12 Honest restaurants will be making burgers with beef from regenerative farms.

“We can’t switch everything overnight because we’re starting from scratch, changing how we source and use our beef in every single restaurant. This takes longer than getting a certificate to say we’re sustainable, or buying recycled paper. It’s not easy, but we want to get it right,” the brand said in their Honest Farming landing page.

Instead of buying cuts of beef from suppliers, the chain intends to work with farmers directly.

“The only way to make sure all our meat is from regenerative farms is to cut out these ‘middlemen’ and work with farmers directly. But farmers rear cows, not cuts. So to work with them, we have to buy the whole cow. All of it,” the brand said.

Honest says it will be passing on the steaks that will be processed from cows to The Ethical Butcher, Turner & George and Select Meats.

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