Chatime Australia boss appointed as global CEO | QSR Media
Carlos Antonius, Global CEO of Chatime.

Chatime Australia boss appointed as global CEO

This comes as the bubble tea brand targets 2,500 outlets worldwide.

Global bubble tea brand Chatime has appointed Carlos Antonius as the new global CEO of the brand.

The announcement comes as Chatime targets reaching 2,500 outlets globally by 2027.

Antonius has served as Chatime Australia’s CEO, leading the repositioning of the Chatime brand in Australia, enabling Chatime to be the largest brand in the category with 200 Australian locations, making the brand synonymous with bubble tea in Australia today.

Antonius has over 30 years of experience across retail and franchise business sectors, both nationally and internationally. With a proven track record of leadership, management, strategy, and change management, his prior success in repositioning brands, and transforming and growing businesses to improve profitability and sustainable growth will be welcomed by all stakeholders. 

His previous roles included Business Development Director of Nando's, a fast-casual restaurant chicken brand, and Gelatissimo gelato brand in leading their international development.

In his new role, Antonius will oversee Chatime, responsible for over 1, 500 locations worldwide, and will champion driving the Chatime business to achieve its strategic plan,

"I'm honoured to have the opportunity to lead Chatime into the next phase of growth, and I look forward to executing our growth strategy and collaborating with the board, our leadership team, and our partners to realize our brand's full potential," Antonius added.

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